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Remote Working Policy

The purpose of this Remote Working Policy is to establish guidelines and expectations for employees of CraigMillar | Digital Marketing & Web Design who work remotely. It aims to promote productivity, maintain effective communication, and ensure a healthy work-life balance while working outside of the traditional office environment.

Remote Working Policy


The purpose of this Remote Working Policy is to establish guidelines and expectations for employees of CraigMillar | Digital Marketing & Web Design who work remotely. It aims to promote productivity, maintain effective communication, and ensure a healthy work-life balance while working outside of the traditional office environment.


1. Eligibility:

a. Remote work may be considered for employees whose roles allow for remote productivity and who demonstrate the necessary skills, self-discipline, and accountability.

b. The decision to approve remote work will be based on business needs, the nature of the job, and the employee's performance and suitability for remote work.

2. Equipment and Connectivity:

a. Remote employees are responsible for ensuring they have a stable internet connection and a suitable workspace to perform their job duties effectively.

b. The company may provide necessary equipment, such as laptops or software, to facilitate remote work. Employees must handle and safeguard company-provided equipment responsibly.

3. Work Hours and Availability:

a. Remote employees are expected to adhere to the agreed-upon work schedule and be available for communication during regular business hours.

b. Flexibility may be granted in determining specific work hours, but it should be communicated and coordinated with the supervisor and team members to maintain smooth collaboration.

4. Communication and Collaboration:

a. Remote employees are expected to maintain regular communication with supervisors, team members, and clients using company-approved communication channels, such as email, video conferencing, or project management tools.

b. Collaboration and participation in team meetings, discussions, and projects should be actively pursued to ensure effective teamwork and information sharing.

5. Data Security and Confidentiality:

a. Remote employees must adhere to all data security and confidentiality policies, including safeguarding sensitive information and using secure networks and software.

b. Confidential company information should not be shared with unauthorized individuals or accessed on public networks or unsecured devices.

6. Performance and Productivity:

a. Remote employees are responsible for maintaining their productivity levels and meeting established goals and deadlines.

b. Performance evaluations and assessments will be conducted based on the agreed-upon metrics and objectives, regardless of the remote working arrangement.

7. Health and Safety:

a. Remote employees are responsible for ensuring their work environment is safe, ergonomic, and free from distractions or hazards that may impact their well-being or work performance.

b. The company will provide guidelines and resources to promote health and well-being while working remotely.

8. Termination of Remote Work Arrangement:

a. The company reserves the right to revoke or modify a remote work arrangement based on changing business needs, job requirements, or performance concerns.

b. Termination of the remote work arrangement may result in the employee returning to on-site work or termination of employment, depending on the circumstances.

This Remote Working Policy outlines the expectations and guidelines for employees of CraigMillar | Digital Marketing & Web Design who engage in remote work. Adhering to this policy ensures effective communication, productivity, data security, and a healthy work-life balance while working outside the traditional office setting.